Articles by: TRAC

Implementation Guidelines for Lateral Flow Urine Lipoarabinomannan Assay (LF-LAM) in the Detection of Active Tuberculosis in People Living With HIV

Implementation Guidelines for Lateral Flow Urine Lipoarabinomannan Assay (LF-LAM) in the Detection of Active Tuberculosis in People Living With HIV

The World Health Organization‘s (WHO‘s) strategy for tuberculosis (TB) prevention, care andcontrol from 2015 to 2035 – which is better known as the End TB Strategy – prioritizes the earlydiagnosis of TB. This prioritization is particularly due to smear-negative TB cases, which areoften associated with HIV co-infection and young age. […]

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Guidelines for Clinical and Programmatic Management of TB, TB/HIV, DR-TB and Leprosy in Ethiopia

Guidelines for Clinical and Programmatic Management of TB, TB/HIV, DR-TB and Leprosy in Ethiopia

This 7th edition of national guidelines on clinical and programmatic management of TB, DR-TB andLeprosy presents the most updated guidance on management of Tuberculosis and Leprosy inEthiopia in accordance with the latest global recommendations. Series of landmark global policy changes in TB, TB/HIV, DR-TB and leprosy prevention and care haveoccurred […]

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