Articles by: TRAC

Travelling between frontlines to get TB medicines for patients

Travelling between frontlines to get TB medicines for patients

Personal experience of a TB and DR TB nurse from Woldia, during the 2021/22 Northern Ethiopia War.  Thank you for inviting me to share my story, my name is Mitku Mekonen, currently I am working at Woldia Hospital as TB and HIV coordinator and focal person of the TIC (Treatment […]

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The health officer who has to prepare lunch box to treat her TB patients

The health officer who has to prepare lunch box to treat her TB patients

S/r Hana Abera is TB/HIV team leader at Akaki Health Center in Addis Ababa. A team of experts from the national TBL program have visited the health center in April 2022 while they were conducting TBL catch up campaign to find missed TB cases. Akaki is one of the 240 […]

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Ethiopia-Emory TB Research Training Program Annual In Country Conference

Ethiopia-Emory TB Research Training Program Annual In Country Conference

Held from January 25-27, in Bishoftu, the Ethiopia-Emory TB Research Training Program (EETB-RTP) annual conference brought together current and former Ethiopian Fogarty trainees, mentors, program faculty, leadership, and the EETB-RTP Training Advisory Committee; for an update on the program activities. H.E Dr. Dereje Deguma, State Minister of Health, during his […]

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