Articles by: TRAC

Second phase TCG Project TB research capacity building training commenced

Second phase TCG Project TB research capacity building training commenced

The second phase of Tuberculosis (TB) research capacity building training has begun in Adama town, Ethiopia. This training, which emphasizes data analysis and manuscript writing, is a part of the ongoing TIFA-TCG project which focuses on enhancing TB Research Capacity and the TRAC’s Mechanism to inform the National TB Elimination […]

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University of Washington’s Advanced TB Research Training Course

The University of Washington is excited to offer the 6th Annual – Advanced TB Research Training Course.  The course will be held September 18-22, 2023.  The format will be entirely virtual, using Zoom, so you can attend from the comfort of your own home or office. The course is free for those joining from […]

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Comparison of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra Results of Stool and Sputum in Children with Presumptive Tuberculosis in Southern Ethiopia

Authors: Yohannes Babo, Bihil Seremolo, Mamush Bogale, Ahmed Oumer, Yasin Wabe, Haba Churako, Alemu Bilat, Tamiru Degaga, Petra de Haas, Edine Tiemersma, Degu Jerene Abstract The introduction of stool as a readily obtainable sample and the recently developed simple-one-step (SOS) stool processing method offer an opportunity for TB diagnosis in […]

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