Articles by: TRAC

Challenges in delivery of tuberculosis Services in Ethiopian Pastoralist Settings: clues for reforming service models and organizational structures

Fentabil Getnet, Meaza Demissie, Alemayehu Worku, Tesfaye Gobena, Rea Tschopp, Alinoor Mohamed Farah and Berhanu Seyoum Background The End-TB strategy aims to see a world free of tuberculosis (TB) by the coming decade through detecting and treating all cases irrespective of socioeconomic inequalities. However, case detections and treatment outcomes have […]

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Drug Resistance in Tuberculous Lymphadenitis:Molecular Characterization

Gebeyehu Assefa, Kassu Desta, Shambel Araya , Selfu Girma , Elena Hailu , Adane Mihret , Tsegaye Hailu, Melaku Tilahun , Getu Diriba , Biniyam Dagne , Abay Atnafu , Nigatu Endalafer, Adugna Abera, Shiferaw Bekele, Yordanos Mengistu, Kidist Bobosha , and Abraham Aseffa Academic Editor: Juraj Ivanyi Background Drug-resistant […]

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Data collectors training held for nationwide TB research in Ethiopia

Data collectors training held for nationwide TB research in Ethiopia

A data collectors training was given for 50 data collectors gathered from around the nation, to take part in data collection for the research titled “Assessment of Stigma Among People with or Had TB in Ethiopia, from June 19-21, 2023 at Adama. Berhanu Seyoum (Ph.D.), Senior researcher at AHRI and […]

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