Purpose of This Guide
The Performance-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PBMEF) is a key component of
USAID’s efforts to ensure effective accountability of investments in TB at global, regional, and
country levels to accelerate progress to end the TB epidemic. The framework streamlines and
prioritizes indicators for monitoring progress toward reaching global TB milestones and targets in
USAID TB priority countries. The framework is fully aligned with existing strategies, such as the
U.S. Government’s Global TB Strategy;3 the National Action Plan for Combating MultidrugResistant Tuberculosis (National Action Plan);4 the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Plan to End TB;5
the World Health Organization’s (WHO) End TB Strategy;6 and the United Nations General
Assembly High-Level Meeting (UNGA HLM) on TB’s Political Declaration on TB.7
Ultimately, implementation of the framework by country programs, ministries of health (MOHs), donors, and other partners will help with the standardization, analysis, and use of information to inform existing
or new TB strategies and interventions, strengthen national monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
systems and capacity, ensure efficient use of resources, and promote investments-for-results
One can also use the framework as a tool to advocate for resources, strengthen policies,
and expand the scope of collaboration and coordination among partners. Complementing the
framework is an online TB Data Hub and communication repository (www.tbdiah.org) that
harnesses TB data and expands sharing of TB information at global and national levels.
This guide provides an overview of USAID’s strategic M&E framework to achieve global targets,
describes standard core and extended indicators to monitor progress toward reaching TB targets in
USAID-supported countries, and encourages consistent use of indicators to monitor and evaluate
USAID investments in TB programs. The main intent for this standardized approach is to
strengthen the use of data for decision making by the national programs. USAID staff, national TB
program (NTP) managers, M&E staff, and embedded TB advisors and implementing partners (IPs)
are the main audience for this guidance document.
The guide covers the following:
- Provides an overview of USAID’s Global Accelerator to End TB and TB targets
- Explains what the PBMEF is and how it can be used as a data management tool
- Introduces the performance-based core and extended indicators, along with comprehensive
indicator reference sheets for the core indicators - Describes how the indicator data will be reported
- Provides an overview on data quality
- Demonstrates how to view TB data collection through a cascade approach
Source: USAID